Time & Attendance Solutions
Cut Labor Costs
Every minute counts because every minute is costing you money. With the convenience and functionality and a variety of clocks that will enable you to facilitate a more efficient and effective Time and Attendance Solutions at a fraction of the cost.
New Features
- New Dashboard View
- Dashboard "Quick Stats" Instantly view Active Employee Count, Time Off Requests, Missing Punches, Unmatched Punches and Employees Clocked In.
- Employee Self Service Just Got Better! -Enables employees to clock in/out, view time card, approve timecard, request time off and update personal information from a single login.
- Supervisor Time Card Approvals- Multi-tier time card approvals enable employee supervisor and manager to view time card approvals prior to payroll processing. Available icons make approvals easier to manage.
- "Tomorrow Rule" -Flexible ability to automatically post punch times to the next day.
- Accruals - Create accrual categories; track and manage accrual balances.
- "Employee Groups" - Create and manage custom Employee Groups for efficient filtering, reporting, supervisor accounts and data management.
- Employee Import API ("EEID") - Import employee setup data from payroll to employee setup pages.
- Finalize Pay Period - Lock a finalized payroll to protect from future unwarranted edits.
- Time Card Notes - Employees enabled to add notes by date and time card.
- New Reports - Benefit from new reports, including the Accruals Report, Approval Report and Time Off Request Report.
- Expanded "Scripting" Engine
Much more, and much more to come under development!